“If Brexit has you spooked about investing internationally, you can still gain global exposure from many U.S.-listed multinationals,” states the author of today’s article which favors this strategy for those who are willing to accept lower returns in exchange for greater stability (versus the potentially more rewarding – but also more volatile – approach of investing in emerging markets directly). After an examination of the pros and cons of investing in emerging markets directly or through multinationals, the author identifies a number of sectors and specific companies for investors to consider when it comes to gaining exposure to emerging markets. To read more, CLICK HERE.
Investing In Emerging Markets For The Risk-Averse
- by Bob Mitchell
Tags:BrexitEmerging MarketsGaining Exposure to Emerging MarketsGlobal ExposureInvesting in Emerging MarketsInvesting InternationallyInvestmentsinvestorsLower ReturnsStock MarketstocksU.S. Listed MultinationalsVolatile